VOA Communications World (Internet Stream): June 30, 2001

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: VOA Communications World hosted by Kim Andrew Elliott. Topics covered included:
- BBC to end shortwave World Service broadcasts to US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Radio Netherlands to broadcast on BBC vacated frequencies for two weeks
- Interview with Ralph Brandi who headed up a "Save BBC" campaign
- Radio Canada website hacked
- VOA new Spanish language program for the Andean region of South America
- 75th Anniversary of RTE in Ireland

Broadcaster: Voice of America

Date of recording: 6/30/2001

Starting time: Unknown

Frequency: Internet Stream

Your receiver and antenna: Internet Stream

VOA Communications World (Internet Stream): June 30, 2001
Tom Gavaras

Kol Israel: September 12, 2001


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dave Zantow, for sharing the following recording and notes:

Kol Israel (15:01)

September 12, 2001 at 0400 UTC

15640 kHz

Receiver used was a Japan Radio Co. NRD-545 (Sync on and 10 kHz bandwidth). One can hear minor DSP artifacts (burps) mixed in the background. Of course a common trait for the NRD-545.

Kol Israel: September 12, 2001
Dave Zantow

BBC World Service: September 12, 2001


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dave Zantow, who shares the following recording and notes:

BBC World Service (16:49)

September 12, 2001 at 0000 UTC on 5975 kHz

Receiver used was a Japan Radio Co. NRD-545 (Sync on and 10 kHz bandwidth). One can hear minor DSP artifacts (burps) mixed in the background. Of course a common trait for the NRD-545.

BBC World Service: September 12, 2001
Dave Zantow

Neptune Radio (Pirate Radio): October 25, 2001


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Adam C. Smith, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Here is another little gem I dug up. Neptune Radio! Recorded off air on 10/25/2001, 0515 UTC, 6955kHz USB. It isn’t the best audio but it is intelligible and that was good enough for me!

Neptune Radio (Pirate Radio): October 25, 2001
Adam C. Smith
Neptune Radio ID (Pirate Radio): October 25, 2001
Adam C. Smith

HCJB: August 21, 2001


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Adam C. Smith, who shares the following recording which includes his name being mentioned on HCJB. Adam notes:

This is an off the air recording of HCJB: 9745kHz, 8/12/01, 0434 UTC. Recorded off air on a DX-398 and 100’ longwire.

HCJB: August 21, 2001
Adam C. Smith

Purple Nucleus of Creation (HF Pirate Radio Station): October 27, 2001

Purple QSL 6.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Adam C. Smith, who shares the following recording and notes:

This recording was made on 10/27/2001, 0009UTC, 6928kHz USB with my Grundig 800 and 100’ wire. The Purple Nucleus of Creation was very strong and bizarre…. Maybe relayed by KIPM back in the day.

Adam also shared images of The Purple Nucleus of Creation’s amazing and intricate QSL card:

Purple Nucleus QSL.jpg
Purple QSL 2.jpg
Purple QSL.jpg
Purple QSL 3.jpg
Purple QSL 4.jpg
Purple QSL 5.jpg
Purple Nucleus of Creation: October 27, 2001
Adam C. Smith

Radio Canada International (9/11 Coverage): September 11, 2001 - Part 2


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bill Hemphill, who shares the following recording from Radio Canada International made on September 11, 2001. Bill notes that he originally made these recordings on MiniDisc and believes he started the recording around 5:00-6:00 pm EST, tuned to 5.960 MHz. Bill also adds:

I recorded this after I got home from work. Having worked in Tower 2 on the 92nd floor in 1979 & 1980, this was a very emotional day for me. I flipped the radio onto RCI to hear a different view from the US stations. I recorded two hours onto a MiniDisc. There is a break at where I switched discs at about the one hour mark. I'm not sure of the exact time, but it would be around 2200 UTC.
Radio Canada International (9/11 Coverage): September 11, 2001 - Part 2
Bill Hemphill

Radio Canada International (9/11 Coverage): September 11, 2001 - Part 1


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bill Hemphill, who shares the following recording from Radio Canada International made on September 11, 2001. Bill notes that he originally made these recordings on MiniDisc and believes he started the recording around 5:00-6:00 pm EST, tuned to 5.960 MHz. Bill also adds:

I recorded this after I got home from work. Having worked in Tower 2 on the 92nd floor in 1979 & 1980, this was a very emotional day for me. I flipped the radio onto RCI to hear a different view from the US stations. I recorded two hours onto a MiniDisc. There is a break at where I switched discs at about the one hour mark. I'm not sure of the exact time, but it would be around 2200 UTC.
Radio Canada International (9/11 Coverage): September 11, 2001 - Part 1
Bill Hemphill

Rizzo Radio station ID: January 31, 2001

Many thanks to SRAA contributor Adam C. Smith who shares the following Station ID of Rizzo Radio. This recording was made on January 31, 2001 at 02:29 UTC on 27,555 kHz USB:

Receiver location was Federal Way, WA, USA. Receiving equipment used was a Grundig Satellit 800 w/60' random wire.

Rizzo Radio station ID: January 31, 2001
Adam C. Smith

Voice of America: November 10, 2001

SRAA contributor, David Malins notes:

Was a high school student of 13-14 years old at the time of the recording who was interested in broadcasting and music - Recorded onto compact cassette at home of grandparent with a large enough back garden to mount a 20-30metre long wire antenna. Remastered recording via audacity for one of shortwaves' very few technical programmes on Shortwave at the time (never managed to tune into a second programme of the series at the same sort of time, despite searching on the web and on the same frequency range that the broadcasts usually were).
The recording is 7:30mins in length, featuring limited talk about "CIBAR", a section dedicated to what "worldband radio" is in regards to Shortwave, the book "Passport to Worldband Radio" and other bits and pieces when it moved onto a personal feature about a George Jacobs (which is when I stopped the tape, having been more interested in the technical and 'how it works' side of broadcasting news). (Never managed to find the name of the programme, but the presenter clearly states November 10th 2001 and the location where the programme was produced in regards to the type of outside antenna he was hoping to rig up before the winter in that part of the states.)

Many thanks for this contribution, David!

Update: Several listeners have written to confirm that this recording is of Kim Andrew Elliott's "Communications World" from the VOA. 

Voice of America: November 10 2001, Radio Tech news segment
David Malins