Three stations sign on--Rhodesia, Zambia and Swazi Music Radio: February, 1976

Photo of Dan Robinson's Hammalund HQ-180A.

Photo of Dan Robinson's Hammalund HQ-180A.

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares the following recording and notes:

Three shortwave stations from Southern Africa signing on in 1976.  
The first is the Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation on 3396khz, the date is probably February 4, the time is 0355UTC.  This was during the white occupation.  The dips in the audio is due to my tape lifting from the heads slightly  until it smooths out.  Identification and a long list of FM affiliates.  
The second is the Zambian Broadcasting Corporation on 4911khz, believed  to be February 16.  This is an anthem-like clip of a band, an announcement by a woman, then in English "One Zambia One Nation" before a local language program.  The het is awful.  
The third is the sign on for Swazi Music Radio on 4980; their Interval Signal was a pop music instrumental of the day called "Popcorn."  Programs were DJ playing current hits.  Time given would be 0400 and the date also given: 24 February 1976.  
Monitored on a Hammarlund HQ-180 with 100 foot inverted V longwire in Indianapolis, IN.
Three stations sign on: Rhodesia, Zambia and Swazi Music Radio: February, 1976
Jack Widner

Radio Bucharest: December 31, 1989 (Romanian Revolution)

By Denoel Paris and other photographers [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Denoel Paris and other photographers [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares the following off-air recording and notes:

Radio Bucharest, Romania, on Shortwave New Year's Eve 1989.  The beginning is missing.   Frequency not logged but was probably 6155 or 11830, time 0200 UTC.
The Ceausescu regime had finally been toppled and executed outside the capital Bucharest.  These were heady times; Romania was one of the last of the "Iron curtain" countries to change its Communist government.
But now Ceausescu is out and Romania has its first taste of fresh air.  This program reflects that new-found liberalisation.  The announcer at 0102 says "FREE Romania" and at 01:12 - 02:33 the American Ambassador Alan Green Jr sends greetings from President GHWB.  After that, the majority of the program is traditional music and celebrations of Romanian new year.  The two announcers are full of national pride!
There is a slight gap at 11:19 - 11:23.  Frequency and contact information are at the end of the program, 25:15.
The picture of Bucharest is the cover of a verification card from 1967 in my possession.
Heard in Pennsylvania, December 1989.
Radio Bucharest: December 31, 1989 (Romanian Revolution)
Jack Widner

The Voice of Zaire (La Voix du Zaire) in French: July 1975

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who notes:

La Voix du Zaire, 15.245khz shortwave, monitored July 1975 in Indiana USA.  This segment is mostly music ending with announcing the start of a program "hygiene et sante".  Approximate time would have been between 1900-2000 UTC.
Receiver/Antenna used: Hammarlund HQ180, 100 foot V-shaped longwire
The Voice of Zaire (La Voix du Zaire) in French: July 1975
Jack Widner

The Voice of Zaire (La Voix du Zaire) in French: July 1975

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares the following recording and notes:

Music, what sounds like news about Zaire & other countries, and at the end an introduction to a program, "Hygiene et Sante'" (Hygiene & Health).  Time given for 2130, which was probably local time, heard on 15.245 July 1975 about 1930UTC.
Receiver/Antenna used: Hammarlund HQ-180, 100 foot V-shaped longwire
The Voice of Zaire (La Voix du Zaire) in French: July 1975
Jack Widner

Radio Tashkent, announcing death of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev: November 11, 1982

Brezhnev greets Gerald Ford upon his arrival at Vozdvizhenka for the Vladivostok Summit on 23 November 1974.

Brezhnev greets Gerald Ford upon his arrival at Vozdvizhenka for the Vladivostok Summit on 23 November 1974.

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, for the following recording. Jack notes:

R. Tashkent announcing the death of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev during the 1200 UTC English broadcast on 5985 kHz on November 11, 1982 (Brezhnev died Nov 10).  After funeral music there was regular programming (approx. 8:09).
Radio Tashkent: November 11, 1982
Jack Widner

Radio Tashkent: November 11, 1982 (death of Leonid Brezhnev)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who notes:

The announcement by Radio Tashkent, Uzbek SSR, of the death of Leonid Brezhnev. It includes funerary music between two annoiuncements of the passing of Brezhnev, followed by an English news broadcast, and a commentary later.

This broadcast started around 1200 UTC on 5,985 kHz on November 11, 1982. It was recorded in Indianapolis, IN USA with a Hammarlund HQ-180 connected to a 100 ft v-shaped longwire.

Radio Tashkent: November 11, 1982 (death of Leonid Brezhnev)
Jack Widner

Recording 3 -The 1991 Soviet coup d'Ă©tat attempt (BBC reports): August 19, 1991

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares this third (and final) recording which includes coverage of the August 19, 1991 Soviet Coup Attempt from the BBC. Jack shares the following recording notes:

BBC news & reports.  Starts with battle at Parliament building (known as the White House)
   03:32 Kevin Connaly's on the scene report after the battle started
Recording 3 -The 1991 Soviet coup d'Ă©tat attempt (BBC reports): August 19, 1991
Jack Widner

Recording 2 -The 1991 Soviet coup d'Ă©tat attempt (BBC reports): August 19, 1991

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares this second recording which includes coverage of the August 19, 1991 Soviet Coup Attempt from the BBC. Jack shares the following recording notes:

BBC reports
  • 03:35 plays R. Moscow reading TASS bulletin of Gorbachev unable to fulfill duties
  • 43:00 comments from Frank Gaffney; Gaffney was an ardent supporter of SDI under Weinberger & as late as 1996 was attempting to get new House leader Gingrich to get it going again.
  • 43:45 a clip about Gorbachev's (?) attempt to quash Lithuanian independence (report says it was not clear that Gorbachev authorised this).
The majority of this audio assumes Gorbachev will be replaced
Recording 2 -The 1991 Soviet coup d'Ă©tat attempt (BBC reports): August 19, 1991
Jack Widner

Recording 1 -The 1991 Soviet coup d'Ă©tat attempt (BBC/Radio Moscow): August 19, 1991

Poster of the putsch of August 1991. The confrontation between the Republican Russian Government and the Union State Government the USSR (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Poster of the putsch of August 1991. The confrontation between the Republican Russian Government and the Union State Government the USSR (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares this recording that includes coverage of the August 19, 1991 Soviet Coup Attempt. Jack shares the following recording notes:

  • Reports from BBC, radio Moscow, and a snip at the end of Czech Radio announcing the end of the state of emergency
  • Radio Moscow--Slight interruption at 5:15-30
  • BBC 05:30 - 12:46
  • Radio Moscow 12:47 -- note the news item on Yugoslavia of Slovenia's independence moves 18:25.  This was the beginning of the dissolution of Yugoslavia
  • BBC 20:08
  • Radio Moscow 26:16 "News & Views"
  • BBC 27:10
  • Radio Moscow World service 28:11
  • Their interval signal at 38:03 the news that Gorbachev is back in control
  • BBC 40:24
  • Moscow 46:33
  • Radio Prague (?) 46:56 announces end of state of emergency
1991 Soviet coup d'Ă©tat attempt: August, 19 1991
Jack Widner