HJGF Radio Bucaramanga: July 05, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Bucaramanga / CLM

Date of recording: July 05, 1978

Starting time: 02:59

Frequency: 4.845

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: HJGF R Bucaramanga, Colombia

QRG: 4845 kHz

QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany

Rec: 5th July 1978 - 02:59 UTC (GMT)

Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Px: S, mx, ID w/QRGs

SINPO: 33333

Note: Station was founded in 1934. At 1:23 ID in MP3. Above related page from my old DX logbook, when I was 15 yrs old.

HJGF Radio Bucaramanga: July 05, 1978
Gert Irmler