HJZW Radio Almirante (Riohacha, Colombia): October 30, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: HJZW Radio Almirante, Riohacha - Colombia

Date of recording: October 30, 1978

Starting time: 01:17

Frequency: 1.200

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, loop antenna

Notes: HJZW R Almirante Riohacha, CLM

QRG: 1200 kHz

QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany - distance to Riohacha 5.285 mi

Px: S, anns, IDs, Vallenato mx, "Guajira"

SINPO: 24432

Extremely rare recording of that Colombian AM broadcaster - confirmed as 'first time logged in Germany' by our national ADDX association.

The famous 'Alltime DX list' of the 'Medium Wave Circle' contains following entry: "HJBZ Ondas del Riohacha, Riohacha, Colombia (ex

HJZW R Almirante) (not listed in 2020 WRTH) - first log in the UK 11/78; NG" - Hey! My officially confirmed log is from Oct. 1978 :))

HJZW Radio Almirante (Riohacha, Colombia): October 30, 1978
Gert Irmler

HJGF Radio Bucaramanga: July 05, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Bucaramanga / CLM

Date of recording: July 05, 1978

Starting time: 02:59

Frequency: 4.845

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: HJGF R Bucaramanga, Colombia

QRG: 4845 kHz

QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany

Rec: 5th July 1978 - 02:59 UTC (GMT)

Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Px: S, mx, ID w/QRGs

SINPO: 33333

Note: Station was founded in 1934. At 1:23 ID in MP3. Above related page from my old DX logbook, when I was 15 yrs old.

HJGF Radio Bucaramanga: July 05, 1978
Gert Irmler

Voice of Colombia (Studio Recording): April 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

A studio recorded tape of the Voice of Colombia featuring “Colombia Today” with news, weather, listener letters, music and more.

Starting time: 0100 UTC

April, 1979

Voice of Colombia (Studio Recording): April 1979
Tom Gavaras

La Voz Del Llano (Part 1): September 2, 1984

La Voz Del Llano Logo.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, who shares the following off-air recording and notes:

Here is a recording of La Voz Del Llano on 6,115 kHz from 2 September 1984. The first part is about 10 minutes, the second is 2 hours and 15 minutes. It was originally recorded on an open reel tape at 1 7/8 ips.
La Voz Del Llano (Part 1): September 2, 1984
Paul Harner

Radio Colosal: April 16, 1980

Many thanks to SRAA contributor Paul Harner for the following recordings. Paul notes:

Radio Colosal de Neiva (Colombia) was one of the more reliable signals to be found on 60 meters where I live.  The station was an affiliate of the TODELAR network, and broadcast on 4945 kHz.  Within a year of this recording, Radio Colosal disappeared and the frequency became part of the Caracol network.
Radio Colosal: April 16, 1980 (Side A)
Paul Harner
Radio Colosal: April 16, 1980 (Side B)
Paul Harner

La Voz de Huila: April 27, 1980 (2 parts)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, who notes:

In 1980, Daylight Saving Time began on the 27'th of April.  When I was in high school, the Saturday night overnight hours were a favorite time for me to listen to shortwave signals.  Especially the domestic Latin American stations on 49 and 60 meters.
On that night, two stations from Colombia were coming in reasonably well, and I decided to record an hour of each of them.
Based in the city of Neiva, "La Voz de Huila" was an affiliate of the TODELAR network ('Primeros en sintonia').  One could easily identify stations from this network through their top of the hour ID's (they used chimes similar to the NBC network in the USA).  The station's frequency was 6150 kHz.
Here is a recording of "La Voz de Huila," taken during the 4 AM hour (local time) on 27 April 1980
La Voz de Huila: April 27, 1980 (Part A)
Paul Harner
La Voz de Huila: April 27, 1980 (Part B)
Paul Harner

La Voz del Llano: April 27, 1980 (2 parts)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, who notes:

In 1980, Daylight Saving Time began on the 27th of April.  When I was in high school, the Saturday night overnight hours were a favorite time for me to listen to shortwave signals.  Especially the domestic Latin American stations on 49 and 60 meters.
On that night, two stations from Colombia were coming in reasonably well, and I decided to record an hour of each of them.
It was the first time I ever listened to "La Voz del Llano" in VIllavicencio.  Over the years that station became a favorite of mine.  The station introduced me to music from Colombia.  The music was fast paced, and fun, and so were the promos.  La Voz del Llano was an affiliate of La Cadena Super ('Orgullosamente Colombiana'), and it's 10 kW signal could be heard well most nights.  Their frequency was 6115 kHz, but they tended to vary from that frequency.
Here is a recording of "La Voz del Llano," during the 3 AM hour (local time) on 27 April 1980.

Paul also noted that these recordings were transferred from magnetic tape (pictured above) which had become somewhat damaged over time. We appreciate the effort he has put into transferring this audio and sharing it with us here on the SRAA:

La Voz del Llano: April 27, 1980 (Side A)
Paul Harner
La Voz del Llano: April 27, 1980 (Side B)
Paul Harner

Alcaravan Radio

Alcaravan Radio's transmitter site in rural Columbia

Alcaravan Radio's transmitter site in rural Columbia

Many thanks to SWAA contributor, Hans de Zeeuw, for this recording of Alcaravan Radio radio in Columbia.

Recorded in Scotland on the 14th of September, 2013, on 5,910 kHz, starting at 4:50 UTC. Hans uses a Microtelecom Perseus receiver (with Studio One software) and a Wellbrook ALA 1530 antenna. He records using VideoPro.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Alcaravan Radio: September 14, 2013
Hans de Zeeuw