Voice of America (Korean Language Service: December 28, 2024

Many thanks to SRAA contributor Paul Walker, who shares the following recording of the Voice of America’s Korean language service made on December 28, 2024 at 1905 UTC on 9,800 kHz. The reception location was McGrath, Alaska:

Voice of America (Korean Language Service: December 28, 2024
Paul Walker

Nippon No Kaze il bon ue: August 4, 2024

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Carlos Latuff, who shares the following recording, along with his original artwork (above), and notes:

Opening of Japanese government shortwave radio programs aimed at Japanese citizens abducted by DPRK between 1977 and 1983: "Furusato No Kaze" (in Japanese) and "Nippon No Kaze il bon ue" (in Korean). Broadcasted from a transmitter in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and listened in Florianopolis, Brazil.

Nippon No Kaze il bon ue: August 4, 2024
Carlos Latuff

Voice of Korea/KCBS (Assorted Recordings): 2022-2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Messina, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Broadcaster: KCBS Pyongyang

Date of recording:Various (2022-2023)

Frequency: Various frequencies

Reception location: Various locations

Receiver and antenna: KiwiSDR

Mode: AM

Notes: This is a collection of recent recordings I made of DPRK SW radio stations.

VOK (English) 15,015kHz: February 27, 2023
Anthony Messina
KCBS 3320kHz: September 15, 2023
Anthony Messina
KCBS in DRM 6140kHz: December 31, 2022
Anthony Messina
VOK (English) 13,760kHz: August 10, 2023
Anthony Messina
VOK (German) 9,425kHz: July 14, 2023
Anthony Messina

Voice of Korea (Interval Signal and Intro): July 13, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Angelo Prieto, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Voice of Korea

Date of recording: 7/13/2022

Starting time: 20:00

Frequency: 11635 kHz

Note that this recording was made via a remote web-based SDR

Voice of Korea: July 13, 2021
Angelo Prieto

KCBS Sinuiju (North Korea) 873 kHz: October 21, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording and notes:

873 kHz KCBS Sinuiju, North Korea at 1633UTC on Thursday, Oct 21, 2021 with instrumental North Korean music. Signal held out pretty decently for over 6 minutes. 250KW 3500 miles.

Receiver location: McGrath, Alaska

Receiver and antenna: C.Crane CC Skywave and Gary DeBock 5" FSL antenna

KCBS Sinuiju (North Korea) 873 kHz: October 21, 2021
Paul Walker

Voice of America (Korean Language Service): circa 2002


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Andy Wang, who shares the following recording and notes:

Frequency: 9.350MHz

Reception location: Shenyang China

Receiver and antenna: MeiDuo Radio Receiver and Casette Recorder CP6941 with antenna on it.

Notes: This is a record of VOA Korean Service on the year 2002, I cannot remember the exact month and day of the record. But I think it is on the second quarter of that year.

The background has serious radio interference from the DPRK.

I do not speak Korean, and I did not invoke machine speech recognition to extract transcriptions. I would like to share, anyone who speaks Korean is welcome to interpret the content of the recording.

Voice of America (Korean Language Service): May 1, 2002
Andy Wang