The Czech Crisis (1968)


Friday 23 August,1968. Radio Moscow transmission to Australia
31 metres 13-30 hrs GMT. Announcer, Boris Novikov (1925- 1997)

Twenty nine years after the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938,
followed by WW2, the Warsaw Pact countries led by Russia invaded the country.
This shortwave broadcast was recorded off-air in Australia by Ian Holder and gives the Russian view of the event. Less than two years after the fall of Communist Russia in 1991, the Republic of Czechoslovakia ceased to exit.
It was divided into two countries- Czech and Slovakia.

Other broadcasts on this topic-

Russian Invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968) information-


Space Shuttle (1st Launch) 1981


SPACE SHUTTLE (1st launch) (Ap12,1981)
Inaugural launch of the Space Shuttle.
Broadcast via shortwave on the
American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS).
Relay of the American Broadcasting Company radio commentary.
Sunday April 12, 1981. 11-50 GMT. 9700 khz.

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Space Shuttle information-

Other broadcasts-


Radio Tahiti: February 7, 1982

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, who submits the following recording and notes:

Date of recording: 2/7/1982

Starting time: 0616 UTC

Frequency: 11.825

Location: South Bend, IN

This was one of the first DX stations I logged when I got started in SWLing - DXing. Radio Tahiti was a nice music station to listen to on cold winer nights here in the northern hemisphere. Sadly this is no longer on the air, but I was happy toke this recording. I used a DX-302 with outside wire antenna. Recorded Feb. 7, 1982 on a frequency of 11.825 kHz possibly 15.170 kHz.

Shortwave Service: August 2, 2016

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Mark Hirst, who submits the following recording and notes:

Date of recording: 8/2/2016

Starting time: 19:00

Frequency: 11.850

Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom

Receiver and antenna: ICOM IC-7100, Wonder Wand Wide Bander antenna

Notes: A test transmission from Shortwave Service ( consisting of voice, music and continuous tones. The radio DSP Noise Reduction circuit is turned on and off during the recording to reveal the raw signal and to get clarity on some of the announcements.

Radio Moscow: January 08, 1987

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Scott Nelson, for sharing the following recording:

Date of recording: 1/8/1987
Starting time: 0411 UTC
Frequency: 6.000
Location: Minot, North Dakota
Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-6500W with indoor random wire
Notes: Programs include "News and Views", ID, "News in Brief", "Roundabout the USSR", various programming.

Voice of Nigeria sign on: May 16, 1982

QSL Card courtesy of Paul Greaves (W4FC) 

QSL Card courtesy of Paul Greaves (W4FC) 

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, who shares the following recording and notes:

I used to make it a habit to tune to this station just to hear this great Inverval
Signal and sign-on. This usually boomed in on 7255 kHz at sign-on. I have not listened
in years but hope it is still there. I probably logged this on my ICF-2001 back then.

Date of recording: 5/16/1982 

Frequency: 7.255

Starting time: 0530

Location: South Bend, Indiana

BBC World Service: August 31, 1997 (Death of Diana, Princess of Wales)

Diana's coffin is borne through the streets of London on its way to Westminster Abbey (Source: Wikimedia - Public Domain Image)

Diana's coffin is borne through the streets of London on its way to Westminster Abbey (Source: Wikimedia - Public Domain Image)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Scott Nelson, for sharing the following recording and notes:

BBC World Service on shortwave announcing the death of Princess Diana.  Special news programming and commentary on this sad event. 
  • Starting time: 0400 
  • Frequency: 5.975 
  • Receiver: Radio Shack DX-392 with built-in whip.
  • Location was Pierre, South Dakota

Radio Vanuatu: July 18, 2016

Radio Vanuatu signing on in Bislama. Instrumental music until 1838 UTC when the national anthem is played. Welcome to the broadcast day, morning devotion, and news at 1900. Includes frequency announcement, ID's, and two health advice advertisements. Adjacent channel interference on both sides from CRI on 7255 and 7265. Usually the CRI broadcasts will drown Vanuatu out before 1900 (even on my radios with synch) but they were mostly loud and clear this morning. Transmitted with 10 kw from Port Vila to Vanuatu. Received in Sydney, Australia, with a Sangean ATS-909X and a Kestrel active loop.

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation: July 17, 2016

SIBC broadcasting to the Solomon Islands with 10 kw from Honiara. This recording contains music, a feature about how much salt should be in a healthy diet, the news in Pijin (26:09), and then some lovely choral devotional songs. There is some mild adjacent channel noise from Radio Rebelde blasting away on 5025 kHz. Received and recorded with a Degen DE1121 and 40 foot longwire in Sydney, Australia.

Radio Tashkent, announcing death of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev: November 11, 1982

Brezhnev greets Gerald Ford upon his arrival at Vozdvizhenka for the Vladivostok Summit on 23 November 1974.

Brezhnev greets Gerald Ford upon his arrival at Vozdvizhenka for the Vladivostok Summit on 23 November 1974.

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, for the following recording. Jack notes:

R. Tashkent announcing the death of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev during the 1200 UTC English broadcast on 5985 kHz on November 11, 1982 (Brezhnev died Nov 10).  After funeral music there was regular programming (approx. 8:09).

Radio Nacional Brasilia: July 3, 2016

Radio Nacional Brasilia broadcasting in Portuguese to Brazil. The recording contains music with the occasional ID. This is very good DX for me, as reception of South American stations is quite difficult in my part of the world. Transmitted at 250 kw from Brasilia. Received with an Eton Satellit and Kestrel active loop in Sydney, Australia.