Bible Voice Broadcasting: Four Recordings, 2018-2023

Many thanks to hb9gce for these four recordings of Bible Voice Broadcasting.

Bible Voice Broadcasting; Austria; 9,810 kHz; 17:00, May 15, 2021; English
Bible Voice Broadcasting; Germany; 15,310 kHz; 16:00, November 7, 2023; Oromo
Bible Voice Broadcasting; Germany; 7,220 kHz; 08:30, March 4, 2018; English
Bible Voice Broadcasting; Germany; 9,810 kHz; 17:14, May 21, 2021; English

Adventist World Radio, Austria: Four Recordings, 2009-2021

QSL Card from Adventist World Radio

Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Adventist World Radio from 2009 through 2021.

Adventist World Radio; Austria; 6,140 kHz; 02:30, September 14, 2009; Punjabi
Adventist World Radio; Austria; 15,260 kHz; 19:30; November 17, 2013; Fulfulde
Adventist World Radio; Austria; 9,630 kHz; 05:11; May 20, 2021; Hausa
Adventist World Radio; Austria; 11,800 kHz; 16:27; May 20, 2021; Urdu

WSHB (Christian Science Monitor): Five recordings

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Daniel Salo, who shares the following recordings—all made in 2002 in the Boston, MA area—of The Christian Science Monitor broadcast on WSHB.

WSHB (Christian Science Monitor): January 20, 2002
Daniel Salo
WSHB (Christian Science Monitor): February 24, 2002
Daniel Salo
WSHB (Christian Science Monitor): April 7, 2002
Daniel Salo
WSHB (Christian Science Monitor): May 5, 2002
Daniel Salo
WSHB (Christian Science Monitor): May 12, 2002
Daniel Salo

Emisoras Jesus Del Gran Poder : December 8, 1994

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Emisoras Jesús del Gran Poder Quito / EQA 5050 kHz

Date of recording: 12/8/1994

Starting time: 00:59

Frequency: 5.050

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: HCFF1 Emisoras Jesús del Gran Poder Quito, Ecuador
QRG: 5050 kHz
QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany
Rec: 8th Dec. 1994 - 00:59 UTC (GMT)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire
Px: S, ID, El Condor Pasa, 2nd ID, And. mx
SINPO: 23332
Note: Transmitter power 5 kW, distance QTH/Quito 6.150 mi

Emisoras Jesus Del Gran Poder : December 8, 1994
Gert Irmler

TGNA - Guatemala: Unknown date

Radio Cultural TGN.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Timothy Land, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: TGNA - Guatemala

Frequency: 3,300 kHz

Receiver Location: Kingsport, Tennessee

Notes: This is from one of my late evening shortwave listening sessions as a teen in the early to mid 1990's. Time and date is uncertain.

TGNA - Guatemala: Unknown date
Timothy Land

Inaugural shortwave broadcast of Wantok Radio Light, Papua New Guinea: June 11, 2005

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Guy Atkins, who notes:

Inaugural shortwave broadcast and celebration of Wantok Radio Light, Papua New Guinea on June 11, 2005. Frequency was 7120 kHz. Receiver: AOR AR7030+. Antenna: Wellbrook Communications ALA100 Phased Delta Loop Antenna. Recorded by Guy Atkins at Grayland, Washington USA.
00:00 Introduction by speaker or host named "Witness"
01:31 Song "Naso Joda" by the band P2-UIF ("P2-United in Faith"; the Gospel band's name honors those killed in the missionary aviation plane P2-UIF that crashed in Papua New Guinea ). A YouTube video of the song being performed live in August 2012 is here:
03:00 Praise for the signal of Wantok Radio Light to go out through all the world
03:50 Testimony of James
09:18 Solo music on harmonica: "Jesus Saves" performed by James
12:06 Phone conversation with "Brother Paul": salutations to Wantok Radio Light; praise for the new shortwave transmitter
15:52 More talk by Witness
17:50 Live music
23:40 Praise & talk with announcer Witness
24:52 Live Music
28:52 Talk & praise by Witness
29:43 "You're listening to Radio Light, Wantok Radio Light, live right here,  the one and only; live right here Amen, at the top of Minion House, right at the top. That's right! We're right at the top."
Wantok Radio Light: June 11, 2005
Guy Atkins

Wantok Radio Light, Outdoor Inaugural: June 11, 2005

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Guy Atkins, who notes:

Inaugural shortwave broadcast and celebration of Wantok Radio Light, Papua New Guinea on June 11, 2005. Frequency was 7120 kHz. Receiver: AOR AR7030+. Antenna: Wellbrook Communications ALA100 Phased Delta Loop Antenna. Recorded by Guy Atkins at Grayland, Washington USA.
00:00 Introduction by speaker or host named "Witness"
01:31 Song "Naso Joda" by the band P2-UIF ("P2-United in Faith"; the Gospel band's name honors those killed in the missionary aviation plane P2-UIF that crashed in Papua New Guinea ). A YouTube video of the song being performed live in August 2012 is here:
03:00 Praise for the signal of Wantok Radio Light to go out through all the world
03:50Testimony of James
09:18Solo music on harmonica: "Jesus Saves" performed by James
12:06Phone conversation with "Brother Paul": salutations to Wantok Radio Light; praise for the new shortwave transmitter
15:52 More talk by Witness
17:50 Live music
23:40 Praise & talk with announcer Witness
24:52 Live Music
28:52 Talk & praise by Witness
29:43 "You're listening to Radio Light, Wantok Radio Light, live right here,  the one and only; live right here Amen, at the top of Minion House, right at the top. That's right! We're right at the top."

Guy also notes:

Wantok Radio Light is still going strong, in this 10th anniversary year of their shortwave transmissions. Their current frequency is 7325 kHz, and the web site is at: The live stream of WRL broadcasts can be heard at:
Wantok Radio Light, Outdoor Inaugural: June 11, 2005
Guy Atkins

Trans World Radio, Polish language service: October 17, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Frank, for this recording of Trans World Radio in Polish. This broadcast was recorded in Europe on October 17, 2014 at 0545 UTC, shortwave frequency of 7320 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Trans World Radio, Polish: October 17, 2014