Radio Netherlands Worldwide (Amsterdam Forum): September 4, 2007


The following recording comes from the aircheck archives of The Professor—the late Michael Pool.

According to Michael’s notes, the following recording of RNW was made on September 4, 2007 at 0100 UTC on 9845 kHz. The reception location was likely New York City. No other notes were included with this recording.

After Amsterdam Forum, Michael does do some band-scanning on the shortwave bands, so there are a number of other broadcasters represented here.

Please note as well that the date was marked “04-09-07”. I believe this to be September 4 instead of April 9. If you can confirm otherwise, please comment!

Voice of Korea: March 24, 2005


The following recording comes from the aircheck archives of The Professor—the late Michael Pool.

According to Michael’s notes, the following recording of the Voice of Korea was made on March 24, 2005 at 0300 UTC on 9345 kHz. The reception location was likely New York City. No other notes were included with this recording.

Radio Educación XEPPM-OC (Cultura México Señal Internacional): April 1, 2019


For your listening pleasure: Radio Educación (XEPPM) from Mexico City. This recording was made on April 1, 2019 starting around 0125 UTC on 6185 kHz. The receiver used was a WinRadio Excalibur hooked to a large horizontal delta loop antenna—the recording was made in North Carolina, USA.

Although XEPPM’s 1,000 watt signal often makes it into North America, it’s rare that it’s so clear and conditions are so quiet. Their jazz selection on this date was excellent. Enjoy:

Channel Africa French and English language services (Final Shortwave Broadcasts from Meyerton Site): March 29, 2019

Channel Africa Logo.jpg

In February 2019, the South Africa-based company, Sentech, announced that they would close the Meyerton Transmitting Station effective March 31, 2019. Channel Africa used the Meyerton site for all of their shortwave broadcasts, so the closure meant and end to Channel Africa’s shortwave service. At time of posting, there is no news of other relay stations taking over the Channel Africa service.

The following two hour five minute recording of Channel Africa was made on Friday, March 29, 2019 starting about 1558 UTC on 15235 kHz.

  • The first hour (1600 - 1657 UTC) is Channel Africa’s French Language service.

  • The second hour (1700 - 1757) is Channel Africa’s English language service.

  • After the transmitter carrier dropped at the end of the English Language service broadcast, it did come back on for a brief period of time relaying a few minutes of what I believe may have been the program, “Chinyanja-Nkhani Ndi Zochitika Mu Africa.” I assume this was simply a mistake on the part of the station. I did leave this archived recording.

This recording was made using a WinRadio Excalibur SDR receiver connected to a large horizontal delta loop antenna. The receiver location was North Carolina, USA. Enjoy:

Radio New Zealand International: March 16, 2019

Auckland, New Zealand by Dan Freeman

Auckland, New Zealand by Dan Freeman

The following recording of Radio New Zealand International—primarily in English with service to the Pacific islands—was made on March 16, 2018 starting at 13:40 UTC on 6115 kHz. The receiver was a KiwiSDR located in Canberra, Australia.

Note that the news headlines (10 minutes into the recording) mention the Christchurch mosque shootings massacre.

Uganda Broadcasting Corporation: 1976


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

English language broadcast from 1976 using a 250,000 watt transmitter. Recording consists of newscast and music.

Starting time: 20:30 UTC

Frequency: 9730 kHz

Location: Plymouth, MN

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Super Rock KYOI: September 13, 1983

(KYOI sticker courtesy of the Mount Evelyn DX Report)

(KYOI sticker courtesy of the Mount Evelyn DX Report)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, for sharing the following recording and notes:

Here is a live off-air 47-minute recording of Super Rock KYOI from Saipan in the Northern Marianas Islands. I likely recorded this about 1100 UTC since their signal was best in our early mornings and I believe this was on 11900 kHz.

Their programming was mostly Top 40 rock. I believe the station struggled to retain listeners and ended being sold several times. I'm not sure of the complete story of this station and if it is still the station operating on Saipan. According the the Ontario DX Association's Target Listening publication: Stations on Tinian and Saipan were destroyed by Super Typhoon Yutu in October 2018. Unknown when they will be rebuilt.

Rádio Clube do Pará: December 29, 2018


Rádio Clube do Pará recorded in Lanzarote, Las Canarias, Spain on December 29, 2018 at 0100 UTC on the frequency of 4885 kHz using Tecsun PL-680 and a piece of wire attached to its telescopic antenna. The transmitter is located in Belem, Brazil. This non-directional transmission had a power rating of 5kW and a multi-path propagation echo can be heard in the recording.

Radio Nederland's 25th Jubilee: April 15, 1972

Radio Netherlands 25 Years.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Srebnick, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is a very enjoyable review of the first 25 years of Radio Nederland, hosted by Jerry Cowan. It is the complete broadcast with the news, which at the time was feed via HF from Hilversum to Bonaire. The panel of guests include Bruce Parsons, Neville Gray, as well as the head of the English Department of Radio Nederland, Van Dulken.

It was recorded off air in Queens, NY on 11,730 kHz between 0200-0320 GMT (April 16 GMT). It came from the relay site in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles where RNW had a powerful relay transmitter site. There is some interference but not enough to diminish your enjoyment.

Radio South Africa (RSA) New Year's Eve Broadcast: December 31, 1977


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording of Radio South Africa which was originally recorded on December 31, 1977 from his home in Plymouth, MN using a Hammarlund HQ-180:

During the late 1970s, Radio South Africa (RSA) would broadcast a New Years call-in show. This recording is from 1/1/1978 (12/31/1977 in the US). At two minutes into the recording, you can hear the interval signal for RAI (Italy) in the background. I have scoped (edited) the music. Unsure how long RSA carried on this tradition, but heard a similar call-in broadcast the following year on 1/1/1979.

Korean Central Broadcasting Service (KCBS) Pyongyang: November 16, 2016


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Manfred Reiff, who shares the following recording and notes:

[The following recording is of] the sign-on of Korean Central Broadcasting Station domestic service from Pyongyang. The recording was made on Nov 16, 2016 at 20:27:36 UTC (when North Korea was on UTC + 8.5 hours) on 2850 kHz.

The programming begins after approx. 57 seconds with ID signal and station identification in Korean by male and female. Following the time signal it's their national anthem (instrumental version). After that opening announcements my male and female and a second announcement by female. After that you can listen (like on each day of the year) to their "Number One Hit" - a vocal version of s"Song of General Kim Il Sung". After that KCBS presents their #2: "Song of Genal Kim Jong Il". A very boring programme scheme.

Radio Afghanistan Station ID (English): 1976

Radio Afghanistan QSL.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Manfred Reiff, who shares the following recording and notes:

The first [Radio Afghanistan] recording is from 1976. The recording was made with the GRUNDIG Satellit 600 Professional recorder unit prototype I got from my uncle who worked at GRUNDIG as mentioned before.

Date: ?, sometime in 1976

Time: around 1130 GMT/UTC

QRG: 15195 kHz

Listen carefully to this recording. In the background you can hear the VOA Yankee Doodle played before starting its programmes. The programme was broadcast via the BBC Ascencion Island Relay, at 1130 GMT the VOA programme in Spanish for South America began. Later in the recording you can also hear Radio Moscow's ID signal.

Radio Australia "DXers Calling" Final Program: October 30, 1977

Grundig 600 Pro.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Manfred Reiff, who shares the following recording and notes:

I made this recording on (our) Sunday 30 October 1977 at 0841 to 0853 GMT (now: UTC) on 21570 kHz. It was one of my first recordings made with a newly bought GRUNDIG Satellit 600 Professional. I used both the built-in Telescope Antenna (144 centimeters in length) and a self-made outdoor antenna consisting of steel mast of 10 meters in height. On top of the mast my dad and I installed a copper pipe of nearly 5 meters in which we put a solid steel mast. In the gap my dad filled in liquid silicone to stabilize the system. We connected both metallic parts so it looked like a conductor. The antenna still exists although I moved to another location in 1987.

Please note that it is the original recording without editing it (reduce noise).

This recording was made on 30 October 1977, starting at 0841 GMT on 21,570 kHz:

Radio New Zealand: July 1988

QSL source:

QSL source:

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

This is Radio New Zealand but I forgot the frequency. I recorded this in July of 1998 with my Uniden CR-2021. I can't remember the time either. I hope your listeners get a chuckle about this silly radio experiment.

Radio For Peace International: Summer of 1996


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

This is Radio For Peace International from the summer of 1996. I can't remember the frequency but I'm sure others will. I recorded this about 01:00 UTC with my Uniden CR-2021. By the way, it's the same model as the Radio Shack 430 receiver but it had LEDs rather than a analogue tuning meter.

VOA (Communications World): January 2003


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

Recorded Communications World off VOA in January of 2003 but I forget the frequency. I used my Uniden CR-2021 receiver.

Note that Bruce is actually featured in this episode with Kim Andrew Elliott!